AMA Recap: Crypto_Whale AMA with Fintoch

AMA Recap: Crypto_Whale AMA with Fintoch

Fintoch is an innovative blockchain financial platform built by Morgan DF Fintoch, a Silicon Valley company from America. It is dedicated to breaking through the dilemma of traditional finance and making up for the shortcomings brought by decentralization. Fintoch provides diversified financial services such as lending, investment, and borrowing. In order to achieve truly decentralized transactions, Fintoch has developed a blockchain technology that combines multiple signatures and zero-knowledge proof called “HyBriid”, which greatly promotes the development of blockchain security technology. Fintoch is a P2P blockchain financial platform. Provide a variety of financial services, including loans and fund investments.



We hosted an AMA session with Fintoch on 23rd November.

Mr. Earnest was the host from Crypto_Whale and Mr. Bob Lambert, CEO of Fintoch was the guest. He shared delightful knowledge and unique features of Fintoch with our community.


Segment 1: Introduction


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Hello everyone! Welcome to Our Another AMA session With FINTOCH.

To help us learn more about FINTOCH, We are lucky to be joined by Mr. Bob



Earnest | Crypto_Whale: Good afternoon everyone, I am Earnest from @Crypto_Whale_Global, serving as the moderator of this AMA.


As we know, the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries are arguably among the most rapidly growing and innovative technologies in recent history. With their popularity on the rise, there is no doubt that new applications and use cases for these technologies will continue to emerge.


Today, we are very honored to invite Bob Lambert, the CEO of Fintoch, to be a guest in our @Crypto_Whale_Global to introduce the greatest Fintoch.


Good everning, nice to e-meet you, Bob Lambert!


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 1. Could you please introduce a little bit about yourself, your team and your project?



Answer: I am Bob Lambert, a graduate of Stanford University and CEO of Morgan DF Fintoch. In the year 2019, I founded DF Technologies with my friends William, Bruce, Alvin and others with the ambition to build a financial public chain that will be benefited the human community. We first developed the new HyBriid security technology, subsequently created the prototype of Fintoch, and have continuously invested in the development of Fintoch and financial public chains. We have been insisting to focus on the innovation of blockchain finance and promote the development of blockchain finance.



Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 2. What is Fintoch? What are the advantages and features of Fintoch?



Answer: Fintoch is a decentralized financial platform that safeguards user funds based on the core blockchain technology called HyBriid. HyBriid has integrated “Multi-Signature” and “Zero-Knowledge Proof” technology, which enables borrowers, platforms and supervisory nodes to supervise and authorize the use of funds mutually via the Multi-Signature Technology. It also combined with Zero-Knowledge Proof technology to prevent any private collusion between borrowers and supervisory nodes, which will effectively lower the users’ investment risk nearly to zero. Furthermore, Fintoch is jointly supervised by multiple anonymous supervisory nodes, and once the liquidation conditions are reached, the contract will be automatically stopped and liquidated assets, which truly solves the security pain points of DeFi transactions.


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 3. What is HyBriid?



Answer: HyBriid is a blockchain security technology built by Fintoch. HyBriid is not only a smart contract but also incorporates Multiple Signatures, Zero-Knowledge Proof and many other technologies. When a user wants to borrow money in Fintoch, HyBriid will randomly select 10 nodes from 100 supervisory nodes and use the Zero-Knowledge Proof cryptography to jointly generate a supervisory private key. The Multi-Signature Technology allows the regulatory private key, the borrower, and the platform to create a multi-signature lending contract wallet. This wallet will require two out of three parties to provide private key authorization in order for the said funds to be called. These three parties namely refer to the borrower, the platform, and the supervisory node, and all three parties are required to comply with the agreement to utilize the funds. According to the rules of the protocol, assuming that there is a possibility of fraud, it requires that all 10 supervisory nodes collude with each other and the borrower to make it happen and the probability of which is close to zero. Therefore, joint fraud is not possible to happen.


Fintoch achieves truly decentralized supervision through HyBriid, and is able to stop losses automatically once the liquidation conditions are met in order to ensure that there is no risk of loss of investors’ funds. Fintoch maximizes the safety of both borrowers’ and lenders’ funds via its HyBriid technology and at the same time advances the development of security technology as it also takes the security of blockchain transactions to the next level.



Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 4. Could you please briefly introduce the top milestones that you have achieved so far and also share with us your roadmap?



Answer: Fintoch has achieved a milestone by winning the DeFi Technology Contribution of the Year Award at the 2021 Pan American Blockchain Finance Summit. In September 2022, Fintoch has established a global community service centre and held various community meetings and market launch conferences in different countries. In the future, we will also establish a DAO organization to expand globally, so that users can participate more directly in the company’s business planning. In November 2022, Fintoch’s financial public chain will also go live on the roadshow, hoping to let people around the world know that technology is changing our lives, and we are changing the world with technology. In the future, we are looking forward to ringing the bell and going listed in NASDAQ!


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 5. Wow, what a great ambition! And are there any plans or moves in the near future?



Answer: Well, Fintoch will set up a special foundation this month, and our “Prodigy Program Hackathon (Talent Pool Program)” aims to nurture blockchain technology talent to enhance the security foundation of DeFi transactions, so that both DeFi industry and Fintoch can have a more secure and stable trading environment in the future. We hope to empower talents to continue making substantial contributions to the future of decentralized finance.



Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 6. I heard that you previously mentioned about public chain. Do you mind giving us a brief overview of Fintoch’s public chain?


Answer: Sure, no problem! Fintoch’s financial public chain consists of two main features: cross-chain and payment. It is designed to solve the flaws of traditional finance through blockchain security technology. It will link the important capital of Wall Street, connect users and institutions around the world and solve their capital problems through Fintoch leveraged lending platform. It will eventually create a blockchain banking ecosystem and set a new financial benchmark.


Our financial public chain is expected to start internal testing at the end of this year when it will be opened to community users to participate in the six-month internal testing of the public chain. This will not only allow them to be the first to experience the features of the Fintoch financial public chain but also to stand firm in the future wave of the crypto world. It is expected that Fintoch Financial Public Chain will be officially launched globally in June 2023.


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 7. It feels like Fintoch is going to bring a huge impact and reform to the financial sector. Can you tell us about Fintoch’s vision and mission?



Answer: With the development of the financial industry, blockchain finance has become a future trend. But blockchain finance needs a secure and reliable technology to safeguard the rights and interests of investors. Fintoch ensures the security of blockchain finance through its HyBriid technology and also promotes the further development of the DeFi industry. We enable users to freely and safely make peer-to-peer financial investments through the integration and breakthrough of several technologies. Whereby in the future, we will continue to link both online and offline economies to achieve virtual and reality integration. Through negotiation with the important capital on Wall Street and the establishment of Fintoch Blockchain Banking Ecosystem, it will be able to assist third-world countries to achieve economic advancement.


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 8. In fact, after listening for so long, I feel that the technology of Fintoch project is very complicated. Is it easy to operate for those of us who are less technically savvy?



Answer: Fintoch is actually a very simple and user-friendly financial platform in terms of operating experience. It is easy to follow the guidelines to complete the lending operation with just a few clicks. Even a novice can easily get started and the Fintoch multi-chain wallet and DAPP developed by our team make it more convenient for customers to choose different platforms to invest and manage their money, bringing a more efficient, convenient and secure user experience.



Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Question 9. Thank you so much for bringing a lot of new and interesting knowledge today. Is there anything else you would like to add or emphasize to our users in particular before we end our session?



Answer:Fintoch can be called as DeFi 2.0 precisely due to the fact that the HyBriid technology makes a new breakthrough in the security of the DeFi industry and gives a great assurance of the safety of funds in blockchain transactions. Borrowing money in Fintoch is automatically cleared by smart contracts and there is no risk of loss or theft, etc.


In the future, Fintoch’s financial public chain will expand its influence on the basis of cross-chain and payment to make the global financial environment more mature. We believe that an ideal financial environment will nurture more innovation and accelerate the progress of society. Thanks to all Fintoch users, we will exceedingly succeed in the future!



Segment 2:Twitter Questions


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:


Adoption is a challenge for any blockchain project, especially in this sensitive period of the entire market when many blockchain projects die because only a few are using their platform. What are your #DFintoch team’s strategy and vision on this issue?



Answer:Fintoch is a pure technology platform whereby we are focusing on the construction of technology ecosystem, through self-developed HyBriid technology to greatly improve the security of DeFi transactions and guaranteed users’ funds during the peer-to-peer borrowing transaction. In the DeFi industry, the platform can grow bigger only when the foundation of security is good enough.


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:



Hello sir, Can you share some Details about Recent Major Achievements done by your #DFintoch project? Also, what are the Future Roadmap & Targets of your project?



Answer:We recently held a Hackathon event and by the end of this year, Fintoch’s financial public chain will also go live with an internal community testing.


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:



My question is about your long-term marketing plans. How, or through which big partnerships do you plan on utilizing to pass your product onto the normal – especially non-crypto people? but, I like your #DFintoch project.



Answer: In the future, we will develop a long-term professional marketing plan by partnering with more crypto community media.



Earnest | Crypto_Whale:



Most users only care about immediate benefits rather than the real value of the project in the long term. How can Your Project convince users to invest to in your #DFintoch platform in the long term?



Answer:For users, any investment will be built on the basis of security, Fintoch’s security features guarantee users a stable and reliable returns. For users, only long-term stable returns can outweigh short-term high returns, which I believe users can judge for themselves.


Earnest | Crypto_Whale:


What are your advantages over other projects? Is it from a security standpoint or is it the technology you’re using? What are the other benefits of your “#DFintoch” project? Do you believe that your project is worth choosing?



Answer:Fintoch is a decentralized financial platform and our core strength is to ensure the security of user funds through HyBriid technology. HyBriid combines “Multiple Signatures” and “Zero-Knowledge Proof” technology, which enables borrowers, platforms and supervisory nodes to use funds with a three-party supervisory authorization signature through multiple signature technology.



Earnest | Crypto_Whale:

Thanks Bob Lambert very much for your sharing , which gave me a deeper understanding of Fintoch. I believe that the Fintoch team in 2022&2023 will bring a different cryptocurrency experience to all of us!

Thank you, Bob Lambert.





Thank you Earnest, Thank you @Crypto_Whale_Global, Thank you all.